More about Café Don Lipe


San Felipe´s farm was founded in the early 1920s by a local Guatemalan family, who worked hard to change a rocky land into a prosperous one, specializing in growing exquisite quality Arabica coffee beans.

The farm is settled on Panibaj Village, at 1800 meters above the sea level in Patzún Chimaltenango, at the heart of Guatemala, Central America. Panibaj is surrounded by the Atitlán and Tolimán Volcanoes on the river bank of the Rio Madre Vieja.

Café Don Lipe receives its name as an homage to our founder, Don Felipe Benavente, who taught his children and grandchildren to love and respect the land and its inhabitants. Don Lipe, as everyone used to call him, is warmly kept in the memories of those who still work in the plantation.

Don Lipe


We produce and sell high-grown premium Arabica coffee, which is reflected in its exquisite aroma and delightful taste. The beans are classified as strictly hard, medium roasted to enrich its flavor and guarantee an excellent consistency. Packed in special resealable bags to assure its freshness, Café Don Lipe comes in two presentations:

  • Roast Ground
  • Roast Whole Beans


To be our clients’ best ally at any moment in their lives, accompanying them when evoking those pleasant memories while tasting a magnificent cup of premium coffee, high-land grown and harvested in Guatemalan soil; the product of high quality standards, dedication and efficiency.


To sell and commercialize our coffee through different channels, being recognized in the international market for the quality of our product, our eco friendly policies, as well as for offering an economic opportunity to the people in Panibaj Village.

We are looking forward to strengthening internal regional trade through the integration of our product with the local entrepreneurs in Chimaltenango.

``There is nothing like a cup of coffee to stimulate brain cells.``

Sherlock Holmes

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